API Rate limits

Cloud Observability enforces rate limits on our API endpoints. You’ll receive an http status code 429 error message if these limits are exceeded.

Cloud Observability also returns headers to display information on how close your usage is to your limits. If you receive a 429 error message, review the information in these headers to determine when you can try again.

  • X-RateLimit-Limit: Number of requests remaining in a period.
  • X-RateLimit-Remaining: Number of requests left in the current time period.
  • X-RateLimit-Reset: Time (in seconds) until the next reset.

If you need your limits extended beyond the levels described below, please contact your Customer Success representative.

All API rate limits listed below are based on your current plan and are per organization.

Most endpoints have a limit of 100 requests per second, per organization.

There are a few exceptions:

Generate Dependency Map

The Generate Dependency Map endpoint has a rate limit of 1 request per minute, per organization.


Snapshot-related endpoints have a limit of 60 requests per hour, per organization.

Query Timeseries

The Query Timeseries endpoint has a rate limit of 600 requests per hour, per organization.

Spans queries

Spans queries issued via the Query Timeseries endpoint and the Streams Timeseries endpoint have limits based on the duration of the query.

Spans queries over a time range of fewer than 10 minutes have a rate limit of 15 requests per second, per organization.

Spans queries over a time range of 10 or more minutes have a rate limit of 60 requests per minute, per organization.

Updated Jan 6, 2023