Use Postman with Cloud Observability

This section shows how to use Postman to make API calls to Cloud Observability.


  • An active Cloud Observability organization and project
  • A Cloud Observability API key
  • The Postman client
  • Basic knowledge of APIs and JSON


Import the Cloud Observability Postman Collection

  1. Download the Cloud Observability Postman Collection (pre-configured API templates)
    A Postman Collection lets you group individual requests together for easy editing and re-use.
  2. Open Postman.
    Click on File > Import or click on the Import button in the upper left of Postman.
  3. Select the Collection JSON file downloaded in Step 1.

The Cloud Observability API is now available as a collection in Postman. A full list of available Cloud Observability API calls is structured by folder in the left pane of Postman.

The following section is required for the API calls to work.

Setup API keys in Postman

The collection uses Postman Environment variables to set API keys and other values that might remain static most of the time, for example organization and project.

Follow these steps to setup your API keys for your collection.

  1. Click the Manage Environments gear icon in the upper right corner of Postman.
  2. Click Add and enter an Environment Name.
    For example, you can name your environment CloudObs or CloudObs-YourOrgName.
  3. In the table, add the variable lightstep_api_key.
    In the Current Value column, enter your Cloud Observability API Key.
  4. If you have access to multiple organizations and projects, you can also choose to add the organization or project variables and/or setup multiple environments.

Updated Nov 16, 2023